Grade School
Hydesville, California
Graduating Class
of 1960
Left to Right Top to
Top Row : D.J. ?, Frank
?, Betty Chancellor, Clarence Quinn, Joan
Sartain, Roberta Shaw
2nd row : George
Lennon, Carol Shepard, Phillip Smith, Sharon
Voight, ??, Pinky ?, Jeanne Byard
3rd row : Joe Nines,
Cheryl Lee, Bill Crosswhite, Jane Wofford, Joanna
Reiter, Albert Cass,
4th row : Rosilee
Cristeyns, Sharon Morton, Nancy Reed, David
Walker, Shirley Smith,
Teacher Miss Barbara
Hill and standing in front of her, Darrel Brewer
Bottom Row : Karl
Frazer, Gary Vigers, Donna Brewer, Lois Morris,
Rodney Shoales, Judy Cass
Left to Right and Top
to Bottom
Top row : Jane Wofford,
George Lennon, Charles Carrier, Joan Sartain,
Oris Johnson, Keith White
2nd row : Joanna
Reiter, Dallas Allee, Jeanne Byard, Joe Nunes,
Sharon Morton, Cheryl Lee
3rd row : Lois Morris,
Wanda Coran, Darrel Brewer, Donna Brewer, Rodney
Shoales, Bill Crosswhite
Bottom row : Mr. Ed
Solenberger, Colleen Murphy, Richard Nelson,
Lydia Gibson, Danny Hicks, Mr. George Baer
Over the years I have
often wondered what became of my fellow
If you should happen to know any of them I would
love to hear from you.
You may email me at sharon_k_wallace@hotmail.com