Wallace World

The Legend of Wellholler
Wellholler is normally a
peaceful place to live.
It is a peaceful little nook in the Tennessee
But, every Fall it happens.....
And that is where the legend began.
Many years ago there was
talk of
a lone man who wandered the woods
of our community.
He kept to himself and very seldom spoke
a word to anyone he might chance to meet.
This was not often you see, for he lived in a
run down shanty deep in the holler.
He lived off the land,
hunting small game and
eating wild greens and berries.
He feared no man nor beast, but was feared by all.
He would wander late at night and always on a
full moon.
You see, there were large and small animals alike
out on those nights. That was when he reaped
his reward for being silent and fleet of foot.
But, as is always the
case, he didn't know
all Mother Nature had in store for him.
One such moonlit night he
stumbled upon
an old well at the top of a long rise.
Having never seen this well before he was very
He leaned over and started poking about in the
dank hole.
He could hear a strange
noise every time he
poked his stick down deep in the well. It was a
such as he had never before heard. At times it
sounded like a low growl and others it made
a whimpering sound.
He gathered his rope and
made a loop then
dropped it down the well. After several tries
he felt it snag on something.
Little by little, he
slowly drew the rope
out of the well. The closer to the top it got
the louder the noise. Finally a wet,
mud encrusted head appeared.
When he saw the head he
jumped back
and dislodged the rope. The head fell
over the side and started rolling
toward him.

He started running
backward, tripped
and fell. He scrambled to his feet and
started running as fast as he could.
After what seemed like
miles, he stopped...
listened and all he could hear was a
soft breathing sound.
He spun around and at his
feet lay The Head!
It was glowing a flourescent white and it's
eye sockets were an eerie pale blue.
The mouth was open wide and the
glow of embers was coming from it.
He screamed a blood
curdling scream of terror
and began running.
To this day, no one has
ever seen the man again.
BUT, on dark moonlit nights don't walk
in Wellholler or you just might...
Hear a soft rustling in the dead leaves and hear
The Head's evil laugh
whistling through the trees.
Story by
Sharon Wallace
and she isn't telling if it is true or not!
Special Thanks to Cressida!
She made the Little Critter at the top of the
Isn't this bookworm cute?
If you would like to see her other work visit her
Cressida's Cave
Thank You for spending
your time
with Wallace World.
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